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Tropical Grasslands
Vol. 8 1974

Some considerations of timber and woody weed control in property development in northern Australia—N.D. Young
The indigenous South African clovers (T. africanum Ser. and T. burchellianum Ser.) and their potential as pasture legumes—R.M. Jones, B.W. Strijdom and E.P. Theron
Productivity and dynamics of two Siratro based pastures in the Burnett coastal foothills of south-east Queensland—W.J. Bisset and G.W.C. Marlowe
Updated budgetary comparison between pangola grass/legume and nitrogen fertilized pangola pasture for beef production in the southern Wallum—J.A. Firth, the late W.W. Bryan and T.R. Evans
The reaction of seven Cenchrus ciliaris L. cultivars to flooding—E.R. Anderson
The effects of prior cultivation and cropping on pasture productivity—R. Roe
Yield, composition and in vitro digestibility of Amaranthus hybridus sub-species incurvatus—J.S. Mugerwa and Ruth Bwabye


The central Queensland section of the Tropical Grassland Society of Australia—field meeting on May 31, 1973

Fertilizers for Townsville stylo—R.K. Jones, 57.

Agronomy and management of Townsville stylo—P. Gillard, 58.

Land development and Townsville stylo establishment techniques—P.C. Davidson, 59.

Cattle performance and management on Townsville stylo pastures—J.H. Bond, 60.


Night meeting of the Tropical Grassland Society held at the Cunningham Laboratory, St. Lucia, Brisbane on July 18, 1973

Some problems of establishment and management by legume-based tropical pastures—C.R. Roberts


The Tropical Grassland Society of Australia field day on September 212, 1973

Pasture improvement on sandstone country in the Beaudesert area.

Beef production from three pastures at Grafton, N.S.W.—R.D.H. Cohen and A.D. O’Brien
Rate of biting by Jersey cows as influenced by the yield and maturity of pasture swards—T.H. Stobbs
Fire effects on a Ugandan savanna grassland—G.N. Harrington
Improvement of seed yield of siratro (Macroptilium atropurpureum) 2. Recovery of fallen seed by suction harvester—J.M. Hopkinson and C.P. Vicary
The effects of supplemental Leucaena leucocephala browse on steers grazing Dichanthium caricosum in Fiji—I.J. Partridge and E. Ranacou
Thinning tropical woodlands with chemicals—J.A. Robertson
Milk and fat yields of Jersey and Friesian cows grazing tropical grass-legume pastures—R.T. Cowan, P. O’Grady, R.J. Moss and I.J.R. Byford


Field meeting of the central Queensland section on July 6, 1973

Nitrogen on tropical pastures


Field meeting in the Brisbane Valley on April 19, 1974

Sod seeding siratro into native pastures–2 years after—K.F. Lowe, 125–128.

Experiences in sod-seeding siratro into native speargrass pastures on granite soils near Mundubbera—J.C. Tothill, 128–132.

Discussion of pastures for the region, 132.

Some aspects of breeding herd management in the West Moreton region of south-east Queensland—M.A. Burns, 133.

Growth response, critical percentage of phosphorus, and seasonal variation of phosphorus percentage in Stylosanthes guyanensis cv. Schofield topdressed with superphosphate—R.C. Bruce
Variation in oxalate, major cations, and dry matter digestibility of 47 introductions of the tropical grass setaria—J.B. Hacker
Comparison of oats and annual ryegrass as winter forage crops—D. Kemp
Temperature, seeding depth and fertilizer effects on germination and early seedling growth of kikuyu grass—Graeme J. Blair, R.M. Hughes, J.V. Lovett and M.G. Causley
Growth and phosphorus response of some pasture legumes sown under coconuts in Bali—R.J.H. Steel and L.R. Humphreys
Changing requirements for rural research and extension—the primary producer’s viewpoint—G.R. Sample


Farm management and the grazier—residential symposium at the Queensland Agricultural College on July 2 and 3, 1974

The roles of a modern farm business manager—John W. Longworth,

Evaluating whole farm returns—N.U. Payne, 200–202.

Evaluating returns of individual enterprises—J.M. Young, 202–204.

Management problems in a property development in the Dawson Valley—W.J.D. Shaw, 204–207.

From marginal dairyman to marginal grazier—R. Pechey, 207–209.

Improved pastures in spear grass—R. Briggs, 209–210.

Property development on northern New South Wales country—Stuart Everett, 210-213.

Land use management and landscape—J.E. Coaldrake, 214-215.
